Hansgeorg Hauser (photo) was once again re-elected as Chairman of the Association of Friends of Haus der Seidenkultur (HdS) at the annual general meeting. “Our annual balance sheet is very presentable”, said Hauser referring to some 5000 visitors last year. Hauser: “For our jewel in Luisenstrasse that is a substantial number”. Some 3000 of those visitors were part of booked groups who wanted to discover the “Town like Silk and Velvet” at the authentic location of the former Hubert Gotzes weaving factory for ecclesiastical textiles. 

Hauser (79) is particularly proud that HdS is in the meantime indicated in the official town map of Krefeld and that there are signs in all the town car-parks depicting the historic loom.  HdS is even depicted on the world map in the Silk Museum in Tiblisi (Georgia).

Antje Ditz was elected member of the committee to replace Klaus Drenk who retired. Ilka Neumann was re-elected as a member of the committee. The new auditor is Dieter Blatt. All elections and the approval of the actions of the committee members – were unanimous with the respective abstentions.


Hansgeorg Hauser Vorsitzender

Hansgeorg Hauser Chairman

HdS-photo: Brenner