Time leaps made by precious silk: Gotzes meets Fashion

“Time leaps made by precious silk”, is the title of the first temporary exhibition in the refurbished Haus der Seidenkultur. On show are “historic patterns from traditional to revolutionary” as the subtitle of exhibition explains.

Haus der Seidenkultur, the former Hubert Gotzes factory for ecclesiastical textiles, preserves a precious heritage for Krefeld and its citizens, the erstwhile manufacture of ecclesiastical textiles from precious silk and brocade fabrics.

The traditional designs of the liturgical textiles are based predominantly on extremely old patterns used for sacred items over centuries. Visitors will learn more about the origin and significance of the sacred patterns in the traditional section of “Time leaps made by precious silk”.

At the re-opening of the museum the fascinating question remained, how can this traditional heritage can be developed for the future? “That is how the close co-operation developed with the avant-garde Krefeld-based bespoke tailors Schinke Couture“, says curator Dr. Ulrike Denter. And: “Wolfgang Schinke has designed a small collection using silk fabric with historic designs; designs which have been as it were secularised and are therefore wearable in our times!“

Until August 31st. the exhibition “Time leaps made by precious silk” shows just what a difference nostalgic patterns can make to a dirndl dress for the next Oktoberfest, an exhibition which right from the start has earned a positive echo in the media. 

“Gotzes meets Fashion”, is how the press entitled it and came to the following exhibition conclusion: “Silk is venerable Krefeld history – and Sexy!“





Nostalgic designs from ecclesiastical textiles from traditional .....





...to revolutionary.      HdS-Fotos: Brenner