“Silk, Linen and Embalming Oils” is the topic of the coming Silk and Velvet Round Table on Wednesday, April 8th from 18.00 to 20.00 hours at the Haus der Seidenkultur (HdS) in Luisenstraße 15.

The director of the German Textile Museum, Dr. Annette Schieck, will give a talk about burial rituals in Rome from the 1st to the 4th century.

“The talk relates to a research trip to Rome which I undertook with my colleague Sylvia Mitschke from Mannheim”, says Schieck, who had an opportunity to carry out research in the catacombs and museums in Rome as part of a large EU research project. Schieck: “We studied four different burials and types of burial but nevertheless discovered parallels in the treatment of the dead in all cases. My talk presents these different types of burial and in particular the significance of textiles and describes the methods of analysis used.

The “Silk and Velvet Round Table” is an event open to the public which is organised by HdS on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Therefore everyone is welcome.