Textile and silk museum invited to Krefeld

"Recreating antique silk luster" was the goal and at


So that an old loom can be snapped up again

"We are urgently looking for a harness maker!" This call


Even the currently summery (late) summer days can't hide the fact: Christmas is in just under two


Where does the silk thread actually come from? The answer came from our museum team at the SINN


“Weaving, that makes SENSE” is the motto this coming weekend (September 24th/25th) in the


Motto on Open Monument Day on Sunday, September 11th

On the "Culture Trail" - that's the motto of


Workshop with Technical Analysis and Practical Experience (weft-faced compound tabby and twill)



To bring old textile craftsmanship to life is the goal of our team from House of Silk Culture once


Finally: After a two-year Corona break, we are back at the big flax market in Krefeld-Linn at


Our head of the museum, Hansgeorg Hauser, was awarded the Rheinlandtaler “as a patron of Krefeld


Wie angekündigt ist sie jetzt da: Die überarbeitete Aufzeichnung der Live-Übertragung unserer


"Discovering museums with joy" is the motto of "International Museum Day", which will take place


Was ist ein Hülser Original? Was zeichnet einen richtigen Hülser aus; und muss man als solcher


Bereits 2020 bekamen wir vom Haus der Seidenkultur den Heimatpreis der Stadt Krefeld zugesprochen.


"An avatar will soon guide you through the "Silk Museum" is the title of the WZ in its March 16,


A total of eleven cultural institutions – most of them studios – are taking part in the “A-Gang”. Krefeld


 At the beginning of the year Haus der Seidenkultur (HdS) was accepted as the most recent member of


At “Haus der Seidenkultur“ (HdS) in Krefeld the current exhibition “Mit dem Land verwoben – von Hauswebern und


Consolation for the absence of applause during Carnival Session

Within the next few days a total
